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All Church Potluck
Come celebrate thanksgiving a little early with other GraceTowners. November 15th at 4pm at the Fletcher's. Bring a meat to put on the grill and a side to share. 


Youth Group Nights
We are changing our youth group nights to the 1st and 3rd THURSDAYs of each month at 7pm. Sundays can now be for family time. 


Partner with GraceTown!!
~We don't have members, we have Partners~
If you've been attending GraceTown for a while and call it home, then consider taking your next step with GraceTown by partnering with us to grow and reach others with the Good News of Jesus Christ. To find out more about what it means to be a "Partner" click here or email us at


Women's Prayer Breakfast
Save the date for December 5th. More details coming soon.


Outreach Opportunity
Operation Christmas Child - If you would like to fill a box, either physically or virtually, for a child in need, go to for details and drop locations.


Serving Opportunity
Media Relations- 
- Are you a techie? We are looking for someone to help manage our website and weekly update emails. 
- Love social media? We are in need of someone to help keep our Facebook and Instragram pages active and up-to-date. 
- Email if you're interested or would like more information on any of these opportunities.