Lead Pastor Candidate Meetings - There will be two chances for you and your family to meet our Lead Pastor Candidate, talk with him, and ask questions before partners vote. Everyone is encouraged to attend one of these two meetings. They areon Sunday January 24th at 4pm or Thursday January 28th at 6pm. Both will be on zoom, so if you don't get the weekly emails and are interested please email gracetown.info@gmail.com for the zoom link.
Business Meeting - On January 31st we will be having our first budget meeting looking at the projected finances for 2021. All confirmed partners will be able to vote on the projections at this meeting as well. Additional information will be sent to Partners within the next couple weeks.
Partnership - Want to vote on our budget and the hiring of a pastor? Then become a partner!!! Email us at GraceTown.Partnership@gmail.com for more information and to get the process started.
Need Prayer? Call or email our prayer team at gracetown.prayer@gmail.com. We would love to come alongside and pray for you!
Know someone in need? The benevolence team would like to help. Please email us at gracetown.info@gmail.com for more information and to get the process of getting them some help started.
Youth Group - Our youth group will be meeting Thursday January 21st at 7pm on zoom. We are following the sermon series in Romans applying it and diving into the messages. For more information please email gracetown.youthgroup@gmail.com.
Women's Bible Study: When: Monday nights Jan 11-Feb 15 @ 7 pmon Zoom. What: Ruth: Loss, Love & Legacy by Kelly Minter. RSVP to gracetown.info@gmail.com
Women's Prayer Breakfast - February 6th at 10am at the Fletcher home and on Zoom. The zoom address will be posted closer to the date of the breakfast.
We need YOU! - As GraceTown grows, so does our need for individuals to serve. Contact GraceTown.info@gmail.com for more information.
Areas of Need:
Worship Team: We are looking for worship team members that can sing harmonies and/or play the guitar, bass, or keyboard.
Production Team: Are you interested in learning the tech that makes our Sunday mornings happen? Come learn how to do video, live streaming, and sound. No experience necessary... we can train you!